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  • Writer's pictureRob

A new chapter

I thought long and hard about whether or not to address this here. But it’s been two weeks since my last blog and I haven’t been up to much on project Matilda apart from self-reflection and questioning just about everything.

I will keep this short. Real life has a habit of creeping up on you sometimes and some chapters in your life can abruptly come to a close. Needless to say the ending of this chapter crushed me. It’s still crushing me. But I started this journey now, and I absolutely must complete it no matter what.

Some of the greatest business people went through their lowest points in life only to persevere and come out stronger.

· Steve Jobs was a college dropout who was fired from Apple at the age of 30

· JK Rowling was a broke, unemployed, single mother before she published Harry Potter.

· Walt Disney went bankrupt before making his first successful film.

So it’s time to forget the past. Look forward. Begin a new chapter in my life and make the best damn video game I can make.

This is the last you will hear on this subject. It is a game dev blog after all!

So here are some card templates that my concept artist has been working on. We are kind of juggling a little bit on working out how the mix of sci-fi and fantasy from the world will fit into the cards themselves. It’s been quite difficult and I’m not sure I’m happy with any of these yet.

Normal blog service resumes next Friday.

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Hello! Thanks for visiting. Right now Double One is just a lone developer. Me. Who has thrown their lot in at work to make their own way into the world as an indie game developer. I've got an idea, some concept art, and a basic prototype of a thing I think is going to be fun. So watch this space and wish me luck!

- Rob -

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