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Dev blog 2: Alpha 0.01.

Updated: Sep 30, 2018

Last week - I put together what I would need to get an absolute minimal version of the game that can be played and so the plan for Alpha build 0.01 was born. For this I will need;

- Randomly generated maps.

- A player character on the board.

- A player manager to handle cards.

- The concept of a deck of cards you can draw from and play into a discard pile.

- Two or three different cards.

- One basic enemy

- And the ability for the player and the enemy to attack each other

So these are my first features and I'm happy to say that I've made some decent progress already!

Path finding

So last week I managed to get randomly generated maps spawning into the game. Now I would just need a player character with a way of traversing it!

So after hunkering down for a day and reading / watching some explanations of the A* path finding algorithm, I came up with this!

The water tiles have a heavier cost to traverse. The path system knows to navigate around it where possible

Turns out that the tile system in Unity is not very useful for holding positional data, so at the start of the game I'm creating a grid of path nodes used by the algorithm to track the players location and target location then returning the most efficient path. I was really happy to get this done this early as I kind of expected it to be a little bit more difficult.


Next up on the agenda was to get a system to handle the player’s deck, hand and discard pile. I was really happy with what I put together here, thanks to some placeholder assets that I borrowed from Slay the Spire (a great inspiration of mine). My artist is working on some card template concepts now, so very excited to see what she comes up with.

I store an array of card data in the deck and discard pile and when a card is drawn into the players hand I attach a Unity MonoBehaviour to it in order to control its animations and logic.

I implemented some basic game flow too so the game is now aware of the concept of a player turn, complete with a clean-up and set up phase.

Some monsters!

For my first full prototype I want to have three enemy types which I think will be enough to give the player some interesting challenges.

The standard goblin will be a close range combatant to will run straight to the player and attack, putting pressure on you to deal with them before they can get close. The Sniper Goblin will do quite the opposite and hang back and try to shoot you from afar with a high damage weapon. Lastly the Dark Mage will hang around either buffing itself or the other enemies or hexing the player causing your attacks to be weaker, more expensive or forcing you to take more damage.

I think various combos of these enemies should keep things varied for play testing. That's it for this week! Thanks very much for reading!

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Hello! Thanks for visiting. Right now Double One is just a lone developer. Me. Who has thrown their lot in at work to make their own way into the world as an indie game developer. I've got an idea, some concept art, and a basic prototype of a thing I think is going to be fun. So watch this space and wish me luck!

- Rob -

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